
Ear Lobe Scars & Repairs

Ear Lobe Scars & Repairs

The earlobes get plenty of attention these days with piercings and gauge-style stretching. Unfortunately, those fashion statements can also lead to damage to the earlobes that may require surgical correction to restore their appearance. The good news is that surgical earlobe repair is a relatively straightforward, minimally-invasive procedure that offers excellent results with minimal discomfort, and often no downtime after surgery.

Dr Teston offers earlobe repair for tears, stretching, and scarring that sometimes occurs as a result of piercing and gauging. In addition, she performs other types of ear surgery, known as otoplasty, to correct deformities and concerns involving the ears. With her extensive experience in this area, you can be confident in the level of care and the results you will receive from Dr Teston and her staff.

Before Earlobe Surgery

There may be a number of reasons why you might need earlobe repair surgery:

  • Piercings have led to tearing or severe stretching of the hole, prohibiting you from wearing earrings.
  • Stretching using a gauge fit your lifestyle at one time, but your career or changes in style now require you to reverse the stretching.
  • Disfiguring scarring (known as keloid scarring) has formed as a result of piercing or gauge-style stretching, impacting your appearance and your ability to wear earrings.

Dr Teston will examine your earlobes to determine whether surgical repair will provide you with the best possible outcome.

During Earlobe Surgery

Earlobe surgery is performed as a day surgery, using local anaesthesia. Once the lobe is numbed, Dr Teston will cut away the edges of the tear or hole to create clean edges that she can neatly stitch together. Joining will be done using tiny sutures to minimise visible scarring after surgery.

If Dr Teston is removing keloid scarring, she will typically remove the scar as well as a small flap of skin. The edges will then be carefully sutured closed to avoid noticeable incision scarring and to cover the defect. Because keloid scars have a high recurrence rate, steroid injections may be administered after surgery to prevent their regrowth. If the scar does begin to return, the earlier it is treated, the better results will be, and the risk of another recurrence will be lower.

After Earlobe Surgery

Patients are able to return home the same day as their earlobe repair. Pain after surgery is usually minimal and can be managed effectively with over-the-counter pain medication. Most patients can return to their regular activities the same day or the day after their procedure. Healing will be completed within a few weeks, leaving little evidence of the repair. If patients prefer, they can usually have the ear pierced again after it heals, typically about six weeks after their initial procedure.

Earlobe damage can be a cosmetic embarrassment that keeps you from wearing some of your favourite jewellery pieces. Surgical repair of the earlobe is a minimally-invasive way to reverse the damage, restore the appearance of the earlobe, and allow for the use of earrings once again. To learn more about earlobe repair, contact Dr Teston’s office today on (02) 9708 3511.

*The information about Ear Lobe scars and repairs was reviewed by Dr. Leana Teston. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form below.

Procedures Offered

With more than two decades of experience in plastic surgery, Dr Teston is qualified to provide a broad range of plastic surgery procedures. Some of the choices available to her patients include:

Breast Enhancement

No matter what cosmetic goals you might have for your breasts, Dr Teston can help you achieve them. One of her specialties is correcting asymmetries between the breasts that cause a woman to feel self-conscious about her body. Other breast procedures offered by Dr Teston include:

Facial Improvements

Whether you are concerned about the effects of ageing or looking to correct an imperfection that has been nagging you throughout your adult life, Dr Teston offers procedures to enhance and refresh your appearance. She can customise any of the following to your specifications and facial proportions:

  • Facelift to smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles
  • Eyelid surgery to correct drooping and rejuvenate the area around the eyes
  • Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping to create symmetry, remove imperfections, or restore the nose after injury
  • Otoplasty (or ear surgery) to correct ears that stick out or are disproportionately large
Body Contouring

Body contouring is an effective way to put the final touches on your body shape when you can’t get there with diet and exercise alone. Body contouring is usually recommended for patients that have achieved a healthy, stable weight and may include the following:

  • Abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) to tighten and flatten the midsection
  • Lift procedures to shape and firm the upper arms and thighs
  • Liposuction to remove isolated, stubborn areas of fat from nearly anywhere on the body
  • Labiaplasty to correct discomfort due to either developmental or hormonal enlargements or scarring
Skin Treatments

As the largest organ of the body, the skin deserves special attention. When you want to get rid of unsightly moles, fatty lumps, or other concerns, Dr Teston is prepared to eliminate the blemish and leave the best cosmetic results behind. Some of the concerns Dr Teston can treat include:

Hand Restoration

Your hands are one of the most functional and visible parts of the body, and when they are injured or affected by a debilitating condition, the effects on your life can be dramatic. Dr Teston offers hand surgery to treat many of these concerns, with the following being some of the hand conditions she treats:

When you are in search of a plastic surgeon in Sydney, Dr Teston offers a valuable female perspective, extensive training and experience, and a commitment to the highest level of patient care. To learn more about our practice, contact our office today at (02) 9708 3511.